Blogs I read (or don't)

Everyone has a boring old list of blogs they read and stuff, right? Well, in favor of going against the tide and coming up with something more creative, i've decided to turn all my links into a bit of a story. Enjoy!

Some of these are worth nokting, some of these aren't. But overall, if you have nothing better to do (and if you're still on my site, you probably don't), they're worth checking out:


I sat and contemplated how my life in Bahrain was. It was sort of odd how my life went, the chaotic randomness shifting my moodz one day after the next. I felt like I was living in a little den, separated from the great world out there; "I feel like an outkast", I wrote in my journal, "ah, but that was the serendipity that life had given me".

It's just another day, so enough with the drivel and random thoughts going through my head. Even though I felt unsettled, lost, sort of like Ibn Battuta, I was sure that there was asilver lining to this grey cloud called life. Enough with me being concerned about how bad things were going, sitting in this restaurant at the corner of the city, all these crazy ideas in my dome; I need to start thinking about this huge taqo and the cool red glass of strawberry juice full of ice infront of me before I die of hunger. Twenty minutes (and a half eaten slice of oreo cheesecake) later, I was full, I was happy, and I didn't feel blue anymore. As I got up to leave, I spotted some cute little cupcakes by the counter, but as I had already filled myself up, I decided against getting them and loosened my belt.

I wanted to pay with my card as I didn't have any cash on me, but the waitress (who from the expressions on her face, probably thought she was some sort of princess or diva) didn't have a pen for me to sign the slip. I said "eshda3wa 3aad", and she raised her eyebrow, so I said "it's Okay as I went to search for the nearest ATM to reload my wallet with cash.

As I stepped outside into the light of the sun, I saw a cat in the garden chasing a butterfly, totally entangled in the chase, and purring as it missed the butterfly that effortlessly flew away every time. N.eway, I was about to cross the road when some guy swerved off from the fast lane and almost hit me (probably Saudi?), and screamed "get out of my way!" as he drove off. Ah yes, that's just what humanity has become; a monster. This person was just another icon in the diary of man, showing how low we've come. 'Garbage', is what I call this tome in the chronicles of mankind.

Semaj, sorry, I really didn't know how to add you here!

If yours isn't here yet, don't worry, i'm adding them. Slowly.

Want to speed up the process? Or add yours? Contact me:


Mrs Dynamite aka Lorena +Wonder Women... said...

MAN!you have time to do that! how is life? how is your work? stil bored? .. Im getting better amaro but still sick.. I wish you a happy new year my friend , HEALT, monye, and love!

lots of love


SoulSearch said...

That's a really cool idea! I'm glad you had time to "Search" for the nearest ATM! ;)
Glad I made your blog roll!


Redbelt said...

me not there yet. Wonder who you'll work a "redbelt" in that story there.

Anonymous said...

haha very creative.. and yes.. you have too much time on your hands!

With this creativity, I have no doubt you would be great at designing a magazine. Want some work?

bint battuta said...

N.eway? I love it! I thought you were more gainfully employed these days, and didn't have time for this kind of thing?!

Ammaro said...

lorena; i dont HAVE time! i MAKE time! :p

soulsearch; yeah, i needed some cash :p

redbelt; you are there dude! youre not a redbelt though, just a regular belt :D

omtutu; sure! got money?

bint; gainfully employed doesn't mean the same thing as no free time :p and anyway, what would you guys do if i stopped posting? horrible thought, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

*applause applause* (7addek metfaregh, but very original!) - oh and i commented in the wrong place.. that's what u get for putting the other 'comment' section before this one.. i dont like to read directions unless i have to! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey you missed me..

if you can add me in there please do so. wont mind getting linkified.


i*maginate said...

How the fook did you put together this little story? Creative genius you are! :)

Anonymous said...

Really creative Ammar!

Anonymous said...

Awesome ! Very Creative ... i consider my blog worth nothing ..... but thanks ... just a mention from one of the top most blogger on Blogsphere, and i consider 'it was worth' ..

iMaha said...

LOOOOL! I LOVE IT! what a cute story
Thank you ammaro for finding a way to keep my link in it ;)

Anonymous said...

Great work, wonderful idea, always do things different. It's what makes ur blog original ;-)

Although moon-light became sun-light, it's still My Light :D thanx for mentioning it :-)

Shoush said...

LOL! Very creative mashala, and such a cute read. ;P

Ammaro said...

msb; you have to read directions! otherwise you might end up in glasgow instead of edinburgh (long, long story)

funaki; you have officially been 'linkified'

i*maginate; i am a creative genius, aren't i?

cradle; thank you thank you. i wish you guys were offering high paying jobs or something in some creative department

grey; your blog isn't worth nothing. close to nothing, yes, but not nothing :p

diva; i should start charging you guys for this :p

moonlight; hey, youre still light :p

shoush; glad you enjoyed it :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot ammar.

very creative..


Redbelt said...

oh wow, I AM here!
You like making peoples days huh?

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwww :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks ammar =D , Glad u you said you're okay before going to the ATM haha

asoom said...

Cool Post!